Issue Position: American Laws for American Courts

Issue Position

Issues: Legal

American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) ensures that Ohio judges will not apply foreign law, including sharia law, in court when doing so infringes on constitutional rights. Have foreign laws been applied in our courts? Do we really need to legislate common sense? Apparently there have been about 140 cases at the appellate court level alone where sharia law has been applied by judges in the US. We cannot allow precedents to be set by use of foreign legal systems where our American values of liberty do not exist.

ALAC has passed in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma,, Tennessee, Washington. With a couple good, well informed friends, I visited State Rep. Matt Lynch and we asked him to sponsor ALAC. He has sponsored the bill and garnered eight co-sponsors. In Ohio, ALAC is now House Bill 513 and is currently in the Judiciary Committee.

There is a chance that HB 513 will not move from committee until after the 2014 general election. For the integrity of our courts and the protection of our constitutional rights, I will continue to work toward making American Laws for American Courts the law in Ohio
